Questioning organized religion as the scourge of humanity and the people who more than practice it, but push it.

Friday, August 13, 2010

Bye Bye Prop 8

The same-sex opponents have no right to appeal because they are not affected by the ruling. As in, they should mind their own business as it is none of their concern what the neighbor does or does not stick up his ass. Like the right-winger pro-lifers with abortion rights. If you don't believe in them, don't get one. There -- simple. Too bad the gays and pro-choice advocates don't get on them about their beliefs and make them prove it in court. But they can't, can they? Because no one has ever seen a shred of evidence that any of these ridiculous characters ever existed, forcing people to "have faith". How convenient. Just tell an idiot they can live forever for ten percent of their income and they will not only believe anything, but they will tell everyone they can that they have to believe it too.

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