Questioning organized religion as the scourge of humanity and the people who more than practice it, but push it.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

The Catholic Church is a Grave Crime

In its infinite wisdom, the Vatican has released a ridiculous document that not only assigns a rating system to the sexual abuses of which it has been and regularly is accused and associated, but it has neglected to include its own practice of relocating the accused to continue their abuse, nor has it promised the adoption of a one-strike-and-you're-out policy and a mandatory report to the police, but it has included that the assignment of women clergy is a "grave crime" seemingly tantamount to the priests' sex abuse. Why does anyone pay attention to these people on any level? Have they not made themselves more important than the situation at hand enough times throughout history for their followers to notice how wrong-headed this religion is? Organized religion in general is a senseless, selfish, sexist scourge against humanity with no compassion for the rights of man, but more so than any other stands alone by choice and emphatically unapologetically is the Catholic Church.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

3 Broken Vows -- No Waiting

It's refreshing to see a priest break his vows by having consensual sex for a change -- with an adult of all people! The adults with whom he was having this vow breaking sex were male escorts with expensive taste. Of course, it was done at the expense of his trusting parishioners to the tune of over a million dollars. So that's his vow of chastity and his vow of poverty, hmmm, I guess that makes obedience toast too, huh?.

Don't take my word for it, after all, I'm a heretic.

Go see for yourself.